Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pearsauce and Rice Milk

Sunday we had a bbq for Mother's Day, and I had to hit the commissary (for those of you civilians, that's the grocery store on post/base) for some goods. I got lucky and they were having eat-it-by-tomorrow produce sale (it's bruised, sad looking produce, or just perfectly ripe), and I couldn't pass up 5 large-ish pears for $1.24...so I grabbed 3 bags of them.Pears are low yeast feeders, so Q is allowed to have them pretty often, along with berries other than strawberries. I was trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do since there's no way he could eat 15 pears before they went bad, and pearsauce came to mind. I hopped over to Tori's blog since I had seen she had made it before for some ideas-and M had posted that she had done it in a crock pot, and since I spend 90%of the day chasing the kids, I went that direction.

4 or 5 large/med pears (I used Bosc-the brownish ones)
cinnamon (optional)
splash (maybe 2T) blueberry juice

Wash the pears. I peeled them with a potato peeler first, then cored and sliced them with an
apple corer like this one
so I wouldn't have to pick out the seeds and stringy core.Drop them off in the crock pot, sprinkle on some cinnamon, add a splash of blueberry juice, and put them on low (I cooked them on high so they'd be done for dessert for the bbq).Cook until tender-I paid no attention to them other than to stir them, I can't say how long they cooked for.Smash them with a potato masher, or if you want more of an applesauce finer texture, toss it in the blender.
There you have it! Easy pearsauce. It doesn't need any other sugar, it's really sweet all on its own. I'm going to try throwing in some berries with it next time.

I decided to try out making rice milk today, too. It's mostly for dh and I since Q is on low carb/low sugar. Got the recipe out of the ADHD/Autism Kid Friendly Cookbook, only I added some sugar since I'm out of vanilla.

1c warm cooked rice (organic brown here)
4c warm/hot water
1/4c organic turbinado sugar

Put everything in the blender and blend as much as you can. Let it sit 30mins, then pour into another container (it doesn't make much). You can use a cheesecloth (I would have if I had any on hand)to strain out more of the sediment and squeeze out more liquid. But it was that easy, completely gf, and waaaaay cheaper than store bought.

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